There is a maxim in apithology praxis that “The only valid theory of change is one that changes your theory of change.”
Apithology itself does not seek to change anything, or change anyone. As a generative system of inquiry it recognises that change occurs naturally. In healthy, growing systems transformational change is the norm – and so changing something into a normative ideal is not really acceptable or normal.
What apithology does believe is that by providing enabling conditions the potential that is presently available can be actuated. In enabling natural changes apithology privileges inquiry into the enablements of generative change that benefit all humanity equally.
It also asks that each practitioner of apithology has their own theory of change, so that this is ethically transparent and radically apparent. If a practice is ineffective or unrealistic, this becomes a basis for reflexive change of one’s own held premise.
The same principle applies to apithology as a discipline. It has been changed by its theory of generative change daily since its beginning – and continues to do so with each new learning.